Minneapolis Golf Club is a private club that welcomes invited guests of members and attendees of special events (golf outings, weddings, meetings, and banquets) hosted at the Club. Here is some helpful guidance for your visit.DRESS CODE
Members and their guests are expected to dress in a fashion consistent with the character and atmosphere of the Club setting and specific activity, including the golf course, clubhouse, dining rooms and pool area. Denim jeans (not faded, or with holes/tears) are allowed in the Grill and on the course before May 1st and after September 30th. Pool attire is only allowed in the pool area. Dress code standards may be changed or waived by Club management from time to time for special activities and functions.
Appropriate golf shoes or tennis shoes are allowed. Golf shoes with metal spikes or bare feet are not allowed. Hats must be worn with the bill facing forward; in other words, the direction you are walking.
Golf shirts with collars, blade collared shirts, mock turtlenecks, golf shorts and golf slacks are allowed. Some cargo slacks or shorts are allowed, but must have flat external pockets. Warm-up suits/shorts, workout gear, jogging attire or swim suits are not allowed.
Golf shirts must have either a collar or sleeves. Abbreviated tops are not allowed. Shorts, skorts and skirts must be fingertip length or longer. Leggings and yoga pants are allowed. Warm-up suits/shorts, workout gear, jogging attire or swim suits are not allowed.
Cell phones/electronic devices must be on silent/vibrate or off at all times. Phone conversations may take place on the golf course and in locker rooms, the foyer or outside, but not in dining areas. All other use must be in a reasonable and considerate manner that would be acceptable to other members.